Saturday 28 December 2013

resolve conflict with a hug

It is good to be back and blogging. Sorry it's been so long.

As you know I stand in Durham selling the War Cry on a weekly basis and I see so many people pass me by and people interacting with each other.

 Durham is a university city and during term time the city is awash with students. Many students wait for each other by where I stand, I see many greetings.

Greetings vary from a smile, hand shake, a simple help but more and more I see people openly hugging each other with beaming smiles.

In recent months the number of people who have given me money and then a hug is at a 25 year high.

I often find myself at Durham station watching trains with my 3 year old grandson, and once again I find myself people watching. I just love the reunion cuddle. There is so much joy expressed. The act of hugging is so much of God.

Just before Christmas there was a lovely incident happened around us. The result was godly but the route has been far from him.

Over the last few weeks there had been a misunderstanding between two people who had never met but somehow their paths had crossed on Facebook. Well I say crossed, a better term might have been, bumped into each other. Others joined in and internet escalation occurred. One of the two was left traumatized, hurting at the mistruths so openly aired, and in fear of physical harm if ever the met.

So back to this lovely incident before Christmas.

It so happened that the two people from Facebook were to come into contact with each other in a very public place.

What would be the reaction when these two met?

Exchanging growls across the room?

Eye Knives thrown from 20 yards, or would arm to arm combat commence?

What happened was amazing.

The person who was hurting the most, on seeing the other come in, ran over and threw their arms around the them, introduced themselves and said "it’s all good here'.

Conflict, disarmed by a cuddle, a cuddle that also resulted in an apology by the other.

Paul said greet each other with a brotherly kiss. Disarm the power of disharmony and disunity by embracing each other.

The problem in the so many British churches is the stiff upper lip and pride.

Pride says I am better than you, a hug says we are all in this together and I want to embrace your life with mine.

It seems that there is a new generation outside the church leading the way in hugging.

 I remember a prime minister advocating an extreme policy encouraging people to "hug a hoodie"

As a church leader in the Salvation Army, can I advocate an even more extreme policy, Christians hugging Christians. Try it in 2014!

Jesus said "by this will all men know that you are my disciples, that you show love, one for another.”



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